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7 December 2023 | Press release

Catella appoints Daniel Gorosch as new Managing Director of Corporate Finance Sweden and focuses Debt Capital Market operations
Catella appoints Daniel Gorosch as new Managing Director of Corporate Finance Sweden. Current Managing Director Jacob Bruzelius will thereby whole-heartedly focus on the company’s successful offering within Debt Capital Markets.
- Sweden
- Corporate Finance
24 July 2023 | Press release
Catella AB divests its partnership with Infrahubs
Catella AB divests its 50 percent holding in Infrahubs AB and associated project companies for a purchase price of the total invested capital in return plus SEK 12 million for the value of the platform and assets. The divestment will have a positive effect on profit after tax, of approximately SEK 12 million during the second half of 2023.
- Catella Group
- Sweden
- Principal Investments