Arbeta på Catella i Sverige
Vi söker hela tiden nya talanger och erfarna personer för att stärka alla delar inom vår verksamhet. Skicka gärna din spontanansökan till någon av våra jobbkontakter.
Om Catella Group
Arbeta på Catella
Vi är ett kunskapsföretag och våra medarbetare är vår i särklass viktigaste resurs. För att nå långsiktig framgång måste vi attrahera och behålla nyckelmedarbetare. Därför är det viktigt att främja en stimulerande arbetsmiljö där medarbetarna både kan utvecklas och bidra till Catellas framgång. Målet är att Catella ska vara den mest attraktiva arbetsgivaren inom fastighet och finans.
Catella Group i siffror

Winning together
- We build our collaboration on a foundation of trust, supporting each others growth and celebrate our shared success
- We share ideas and opportunities, creating collaborations across our Pan-European network within Catella
- We utilize intelligence across the group, leveraging our synergies to reach our full potential

Entrepreurial spirit
- We challenge status quo, recognizing that new ideas come from diversity of thinking
- We are passionate and confident in our capabilities, daring to act on calculated risks to create opportunities and learnings
- We create innovative solutions, by leveraging on our track record and data across the group

Value creation
- We exceed expectations, ensuring that everything we do brings value to our customers
- We stay ahead of the curve, understanding what our stakeholders need and keep a clear focus on creating impact
- We are curious and creative, helping our clients improve the whole value chain

- We invest in and trust our people, leading by example through accountability and ownership
- We respect each other and our differences, ensuring all employees have a voice which is heard
- We are purpose-driven, ensuring personal and professional goals are aligned with Catella’s vision

- We are agile and proactive, adapting to a changing environment
- We invest in talent and culture, preparing our employees to become the future leaders of Catella
- We embrace digital innovation, develop tools and solutions that focus on business opportunities and resilience